
Сообщения за май, 2021

Jack and Jill the song for little kids

 Jack and Jill ran straight up the hill To fetch a pail of water Jack fell down and broke his crown And Jill came tumbling after There Jack did dream of very odd thinks. Of copper pots and artichokes He flew the sky with Jill by his side Hey! Then Jill woke him  Jack got up and ran to home As fast as he could caper His mother bound his head up tight  with vinegar and brown paper. The dreams again filled his little head of a world completely unwoven. He stitched it up and a hero Jack was. Hey! Jill woke him!                          ПЕРЕВОД Джек и Джилл побежали прямо вверх по холму Принести ведро воды Джек упал и разбил свою голову И Джилл, кувыркаясь, последовала за ним. Там Джеку действительно снились очень странные мысли. Медных горшочков и артишоков Он летел по небу с Джилл рядом с ним Эй! Потом его разбудила Джилл  Джек встал и побежал домой Так быстро, как только мог. Мама туго перевязала ему голо...

verb [vɜːb] глагол

 A verb is an independent part of speech that denotes the state or action of an object and answers the questions what to do? what to do?. The verb can be transitive and intransitive, reflexive and non-reflexive. As a rule, verbs act as a predicate in a sentence.

noun [naʊn] - существительное

 A noun (or simply a noun)  is an independent part of speech that belongs to the category of a name and a class of full-valued lexemes. It can act in a sentence in the functions of the subject, the complement, and the nominal part of the predicate.  A noun is an independent part of speech that denotes an object, person, or phenomenon and answers the questions " who? "or"what?".

Article [ˈɑːtɪkl] - Артикль

1 .The article is placed only before the noun. This is what shows that this word is exactly a noun. 2. The article can be definite and indefinite. 3. Definite article the 4. Indefinite article a/an

Adjective [ˈæʤɪktɪv] прилагательное

   1. Adjective definition : a word that indicates the quality of a noun, its quantity or degree, and also indicates the difference between one and the other.     The word red in "red car" is an adjective. 2. If the noun must be preceded by the article, it is placed before the adjective, in English, the adjective is always placed before the noun. 3.  In English, the adjective does not change in numbers and persons. Following wikipedia  Adjective - Wikipedia